my first of pints~

with thanks to our wee littlest one for supporting and capturing me as i pondered this thing called blood

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i will not lie


i have found many of excuses this past month

came up with zillions of reasons as to why i could not go

when really

there was no truth in even one


i knew it was something i wanted to do

but i also knew i DO NOT like being stuck by a needle


i am not the easiest one 

one poke leads to another and then another

with the high hopes of a nurses voice saying

no worries i can get it this time

it isn't until they wave the white flag and surrender to a higher one

that a needle finally slides into the place it belongs

then it is in co operation

of my blood wanting to leave my body

there have been many of times it has just flat out refused

resulting in just a few mere drops


i came to the conclusion long ago

that my veins

really do not enjoy

engaging in this kind of play


so as much as i felt the desire and need to go forth 

to step up and donate my first pint of blood

i was extremely hesitant


yesterday morning it dawned on me

we were officially falling into the final days of january

and i had yet to do this one little thing


i began dragging my feet

looking outside

seeing the dark fogginess of the day

saying to our littles well maybe tomorrow


then i realized

if not today then when

this is a conversation i have had to have with myself every now and again

i could be held queen of procrastination...a kingdom of  maybe tomorrows


i know myself quite well

if not now then i probably never would


and so i picked myself up

flung myself and littles into our car 

and we slowly made our way downtown


an hour or so later

we were walking back to our car


and in the end

the story unfolds


one vein happily obliged

one pint of blood was taken with ease

one arm proudly wrapped up in a bandage

and i walked away with a wonderful sense of gratitude


It has been said:

"True kindness lies within the act of giving without the expectation of something in return."