one hell of a man~

there are not many

that i look up to in this world

a handful to say the least

but there is one who sticks out indeed

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we have had our moments through the years

the joyous relationship of a father and daughter

the ebb and flow cycles of growing each year

the good with the bad

the happy with the sad

fortunate am i to have such a soul

to carry me through

and continually guide me

throughout my day to day

fortunate for we

to have such a father


brother...uncle...husband...and more

he is a light in this world that shines ever so bright

a gift to each ​

there is a certain manner about him

that touches the hearts of all ​who's near

wishing you the happiest of happy birthdays this year

you are one hell of a father

and ​

one hell of a man

Clarence B. Kelland once said:

"My Father Didn't Tell Me How To Live; He Lived, And Let Me Watch Him Do It."