earthen strings...

earthen strings...the waxing and waning of a winters mother nature set her tone...she gently guides us through the longingly cold and dampening hours...deep cobalt darkening skies are present when we rise in the morn and set in the is within this gift of pull inward and find our own light...the faint colors of the grasses pale her reminder to each...though we may not be thriving...we are continuing to grow...the cycle never seizes...the wheel has yet to is in these days that i is the silence...the slowness...the warmth from layers...the cups of endless tea...the flickering flames of firelight...the candles that glow among a dim lit is in the comfort of knowing that all will is in knowing that a season will never last is having an appreciation for such...that puts me at ease... i fully surrender to the days of winter as i continue to weave my earthen strings


it has been few and far between that i have walked away from a week feeling completely at ease

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feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph




walking away from many moments feeling jubilant

one father marks a turning point in recovering

our lives slowly beginning to return to their rhythms of once was

a mailbox being filled with letters from afar

silent pick me ups laced with love

time with pen in hand

art through that of different eyes 

rain subsides

simmering in the goodness of life



Rumi Once Said:


"Let  yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray."



missed fortune found

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funny how you forget about things and then for some strange reason it becomes apparent where they were placed..your memory returns and you are able to recollect your once out of sorts thought and go to the exact place where they resided


has most definitely felt out.of.sorts






​dashing in and out

chasing and capturing raindrops 

hearing childrens laughter sparked from the pelting of hail

{they say dance in the rain...well our danced in the hail}

finding old forgotten projects

not remembering the reasons as to WHY

lavender and lupine lingering in my mind

​as for these pennies...shaking head...they have been sitting for at least a year or two...honestly could not tell ya what was going to happen to them...but what i can say is i do remember we were attempting create a thinking it involved vinegar but alas i am at a true loss for the process and purpose... 

​maybe today you will find missed fortune in a forgotten place


​rays of light 

veil our home

refreshing i say

to see life lit up

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i will say it a thousand times over in my day

i adore each season as it comes


 an awakening

a shift


the brink of mornings

nights lingering ​

a feeling of time lasting


eggs of paper

eggs of silk

seed sowing

garden plotting

lots of planning

spring lovin

​C. S. Lewis once said:

"It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg.

We are like eggs at present.

And you can not go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg.​ We must be hatched.


​march 1

could it really be

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the days of winter

slowly coming to a close


stranger than strange moments arising

wishing my fingers could move a bit quicker

crocheting away

wabi sabi words and thoughts

collectively gathering

the joy in giving 

​excitement in the air

despite the rain falling

hopes of a forecasted 60 degrees

this morning will be one trip to the airport

welcoming home a grandpa so dear

worries settling

​our minds at ease

Euriphedes once said:

"Our lives...are but a little while, so let them run as sweetly as you can, and give no thought to grief from day to day. For time is not concerned to keep our hopes, but hurries on its business, and its gone."​