chasing snow...

it called for 6-10 inches of snow in the mountains

all in a matter of hours 

then the rain would reside 

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i woke my love

and shared how i wanted to see our river in white

i wanted to see the snow

i wanted to touch the snow

i wanted to smell the snow

i wanted to hear the snow

trying as hard as i might

attempting to entice my love and our littles

of a little snow white

i shared how this would be the opportune time

to take our truck for a little test run

it made it to the sun shining mountains with a few minor glitches

but since its rebuild it hasn't set foot on white

after hours of hymn ha~ing through the day

my love sat up and said lets go

i sprang from my seat and scurried away

an hour and a half up and same coming down

my love said it will be a short run

the clock spoke of one thirty one

and the rain was to set with high flailing winds between five and six

nearly minutes after the clock struck two

we were on the road

chasing the snow

as we headed out of town

it was a dark and dreary mess

but once we hit the road of the mountainside

my heart skipped a beat

as it became a wintery wonderland

well sometimes good feelings die hard and quick

just about half way up

it became apparent that our little road trip

was coming to a screeching white halt

there was no place to go 

except off the next exit

if ever we wanted to make it home before morn

inevitably we made the turn 

my love paused for a moment

and decided to sneak onto a road less traveled

this man he knows me well

he knows my mind

he knows my heart

he knew there was a camera at hand

so we were granted with a quick little stroll 

and a bit of a nature call

on a side note if you please...when looking at our truck will notice a lovely blueish purple tint

though great for blocking the makes for a bit of a struggle to photograph when you are inside

hence why you will see a hint of blue at times

with darkness slowly on the rise

and the winds and rain kicking in

 it was our time

to hit the main road

and make our way home

it might not of been what i was i hoping for

there were no rivers of white raging so

just mile upon mile of blanketed trees

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but seeing the land all covered in white

was plenty for me


Orison Swett Narden once said:

"Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities...seize common occasions and make them great."

in darkness there is light~

the other day my love and i were talking

me: i think i stumbled upon one of my most favorite pictures i have taken

{to is stunning...but its purely my own thought and opinion and i guess you could say i can be kind of partial to pictures i have taken}


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my love: you should take more pictures of people

me: i do...of our family and you

my love: no of other people

me: why...i don't want to take random pictures of people

my love: why not

me: because i do not want to

my love: well couldn't you just do it sometimes

{as he and i were talking i was pulling up the picture to show him}

me: nope...look

{he looks at the picture above}

my love: need to keep taking pictures of trees

{insert laughing} 

me: phew...glad we got that one figured out


I say:

"Living life is not about how someone else wants you to live...It's about living your life how you want to live."



clearing the fog~

my shadowy fog

that lingered for so long

is disappearing 

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life is feeling lighter

the weight of the world no longer sitting on my shoulders


i am dancing through my days slowly

swaying to and from


there are no swift steps to stumble upon

just rocking to and from


breathing ever so deeply

and enjoying every moment of such


doing nothing...absolutely nothing


ok...that's a lie...there is always much to do but once more we are falling into our own rhythm...not sure how many more times i can type such but this time it feels feels feels like it is going to last


Maya Angelo Once Said:

"Everything in the Universe has a rhythm, Everything dances."