clearing the fog~

my shadowy fog

that lingered for so long

is disappearing 

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life is feeling lighter

the weight of the world no longer sitting on my shoulders


i am dancing through my days slowly

swaying to and from


there are no swift steps to stumble upon

just rocking to and from


breathing ever so deeply

and enjoying every moment of such


doing nothing...absolutely nothing


ok...that's a lie...there is always much to do but once more we are falling into our own rhythm...not sure how many more times i can type such but this time it feels feels feels like it is going to last


Maya Angelo Once Said:

"Everything in the Universe has a rhythm, Everything dances."

forgotten silence~

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there is a forgotten silence filling our home

a quietness that became a faint memory in the back of my mind


we are feeling all a little out of sorts

slowly gathering our lives

and sorting them back out


i think we all became accustom to the way in which we were living

not so much because we wanted to 

but more so because we needed to


i am no longer marked by a calender of time

a movement that had me not thinking 

just actively doing

being driven by a force of what had to be done


yesterday was that of mostly sitting

with small doses of stirring about


reflecting upon what we overcame

and wondering now where my life will lead


sitting here this morning relishing in my thought 

"time is in the palm of my hands"

and pondering

what i shall do

last week will forever linger~


many many moons ago a message came my way...a possible visit from a land far far away...the thought...just the thought...that it could quite come to be...was plenty for me

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then as most of you know...our life as a family went by the way and downs and twists and turns that were all unforeseen unknown and unpreventable

my days continued on in this crazy spiraling path and before even realizing that thought that once lay out in the vastness of the world was actually manifesting into a real plan and time was ticking away far quicker than i could count on my hand was coming at me full speed 

and life as we know...more than ever before...decided to throw me another curve ball...the day we were going in to see if my dads treatment worked was the same day that i was to be at the train station awaiting the arrival of two very dear yet far away friends

i thought to myself why could this be...really...the one chance i have to meet these two face to face after days weeks months and years of visiting through the land of blogs...was really going to happen in the present moment and state of disarray that my life is currently situated in...a time when my life is so far from what it normally is...a time when my home is a far cry from the decency that it would once normally reside...and to add to i have to attempt to pull it all together on a day that i can only wish for such good news

and as i pondered all these crazy wild thoughts occurred to me...why else would it be any different...this is my life that they are and will be coming to see

me. just. as. i. am.

and then i thought...they...these two dear ones...are a good omen to good omen sent forth for me to receive...why else would the universe send them my way on this very day...and so it was...such a beautiful blessing and omen they were and that i will hold very close at hand for a long time to come

these two were exactly what i needed on that very day...all my troubles and worries...fatigue and to do's got to be temporarily placed on hold to enjoy the most wonderful visit of visits to be had...they brought an old familiar comfort like a blanket you have wrapped yourself in for ever flowing conversation and sense of calming peace resonating as the minutes went by...strange as it may sound or be to haev such a chance...too be able to meet two very real people who i have called friends for quite some time was most wonderful feels grand...even if it is just for this moment in time

barry and fiona...i thank you for making your way to our land...for taking such time to stumble over and visit...and next time...oh time...we shall see you both on your mountain side


Someone once said:

"We don't meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason."

autumn begins to fall~

autumn is in the air

i sense the changes

in the season to be

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the geese are making their journey

away from the land i know

their travels mark the beginning

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the time has come

the time is here

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the early morning hours

me...i sit alone

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the sun slowly brinking on the horizon a little later by the morn

i hear their distant call

coming closer and closer as the minutes fall

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it fills me with a sense of knowing

marking the calender of day

the wheel will soon take to turning

the rhythm of our days

will begin the progression of slowness 

that will catch our every step

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a dance

a fight

between the restless and calm

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a tango one will learn to move

as the days continue along

and before one realizes

autumn begins to fall

brandi r burdick