
summer has been here

but we have not


our days have taken captive over our time outdoors

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without much thought

i woke saturday

and said we need to go

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i needed out

i needed to be wrapped in the warmth of summers sun

i needed to breath the freshness the sweetness of air

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i needed to clear my mind

i needed to pretend just for a moment that there is nothing

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i needed to be surrounded by the beauty of life thriving 

i needed to be apart of nature in its flourishing moment

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heres to savoring one of summers day

M.J. Durkin once said: 

"Breathe in the fresh air of the freedom to create your own mood rather than the stale air of being a prisoner of circumstance."


holding him~

with just enough time to recover from one sisters surgery and the post op days that followed


we are crossing the bridge once more


this time with our father

this time with less certainty as to knowing what is fully going on  

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because of the kindness and care that overflowed and the magical powers of good intentions sent forth


one sister is recovering beautifully


and so it is i ask once more


think good thoughts


think good thoughts...that our father will undergo and awake from surgery with out any complications


think good thoughts...that our fathers right lymph node on his neck has remained small {after biopsies taken last week they were able to drain it...which they found a bit strange...but some what good as it does not so much present itself as a typical cancer}  if it has grown they will be removing it


think good thoughts...that the surgeon will remove the mass at he base of his neck without complications and that it comes back as non cancerous


think good thoughts...that the surgeons biopsies on the base of our fathers tongue comes back as non cancerous


think good thoughts...that our father will find comfort in the days ahead as he recovers and gets the answers he is looking for


please hold him in your thoughts this day


holding her~

we ask of you 

to hold my sister in your thoughts

as you go about your day

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think good thoughts of her surgeon...that he will skillfully remove each little bit of cancer that resides within her

think good thoughts...that those little monsters whom decided to set up home in her body will soon be at loss

think good thoughts of her...that she will undergo and awake from her surgery without any complications

think good thoughts...that she will be able to rest peacefully and comfortably as she is in for a stay

think good thoughts...that this will be the FIRST and LAST time she will ever know the wicked "little c" 


think good thoughts if you would please



Someone once said:

" does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart."



13...twenty six~

our days have been a continuous flow of


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too many thoughts

too many possibilities


all shall be left unknown

until its secret is ready to be revealed






quieting the minds of many

believing in my beliefs

one fathers procedure done

one sisters surgery coming forth

preparing for the coming week

attempting to balance the lives in my home 

summers heat sneaks in

 backyard camping

tangled fingers

bombs bursting

independence continually being sought 



Peter McWilliams once said:

"If you want peace of mind, stop fighting with your thoughts." 


i do believe...we can not control controls us...true we have the will and the choice to choose how we "want" or "think" we will go about our day to day...but life can strike at any given moment...changing your plan...changing your day...changing your life in an unexpected there is no sense in battling the what ifs and whys...tis an answer you will never find. 


life moments...two~

...when you take your father to a VETERANS hospital and your littles come along...


as adults, we understand there is a certain level of respect given as you walk through the hallways of a Veterans unspoken understanding that regardless of the outer or inner appearances and emotions...each of these men and women have endured life in a way most of us would never even fathom




one wee little has to take a hundred trips to the bathroom...repeatedly...his brother and i would walk him down to the restroom and prop ourselves up against the wall across from where he resided...and inevitably as one wee littlest stood within those bathroom walls...someone would non nonchalantly walk up and knock on the door to see if the bathroom was vacant...and with each knock you would hear the voice of our little..






and each time he came out, i would explain to him that he needed to remember his manners and try to use a normal voice


and he replied


"but mama, they're old and i was afraid they could not hear me" 


true in many regards...most WERE among the elderly age


i understand but please try not to yell so loud 


"ok mama" 


now after a few hours passed

waiting for his poppi's surgery to be over

he says to me


"mama, i have to go to the bathroom" 




"i have to sit" 


sighing...i say let's go and his brother and i walked him back down to the bathroom


this time we decide to stand guard

both of us laughing as we each take a post and place ourselves on each side of the door

this time ensuring there will be no yelling from within the walls of the bathroom


a few minutes pass by and suddenly there is a LOUD sound


i hear the sheer panic in the voice of our littlest one


"maaaamaaa...what's happening" 


its ok...its just an alarm going worries


and just a quickly as these words slipped from my mouth  

i see in the corner of my eye a shadow coming swiftly towards me

i turn to look and see a nurse standing there frantic


 "is everything ok" 


and as i stand there looking and hearing her hits me... 

that alarm that is ringing ever so loudly throughout the floor...that alarm




oh my goodness...i am so sorry...he must of accidentally pushed the button


"mama what's happening"


"did you push a button" 




the nurse stood trying to explain through the door how to push the button off...but nothing was making any sense to that wee littlest one  


"mama...there is no button" 


the three of us stood there looking dumb founded at one another

and then it stops


she looks at me

 then turns and walks away


one wee older one and i can not help but laugh






"soooo, i was just sitting in here and well i was playing with this string on the wall...i was bored so i decided to tie it in knots" 


THE STRING...i forgot all about the string on the walls


"bored can not play in the bathroom" 


"mama...i wasn't playing...i was just tying knots and i did not know it would make a loud sound...i'm sorry" 


 "it's ok...just please next not touch anything"


"ok..but then how do you expect me to go to the bathroom" 


shaking my head


"no buttons or strings" 


"ok mama...i'm sorry" 


fourteen years~

i am understanding the age

lifes grand game of tug of war

the gentle pulling away

the unwanted letting of go

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as much as i long to keep him safely tucked by my side...his wings are spreading day by day...flapping a little further from the nest we've created...boundaries being pushed...needs being extended a little farther by day

sigh...the years have passed on by far faster than i have wished











Once more, the page turns, another chapter has begun


happiest of happy birthdays to our wee oldest one


arriving just in time~

a dear friend  

one unique artist

whos work bestows peace

he reclaims the lost

bringing life back to the once was

upcycling pieces

forging by hand and heart 

he creates the most wonderful bits of art i have seen

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daily words 7

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words and a bowl small enough to hold in the palm of your hand

quieting your mind

easing your thoughts

refocusing away from the negative

bringing the positive back to light

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tiny sculpted leaves


Caroline Myss once said: 

 "The soul always knows how to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind."


and with that being said

hence for needing and wanting of a little help in aiding the silence


Barry's shop

is back up and running

and i do hope you stumble over for a visit


13...twenty three and many more~



Making a loud, confused noise; uproarious:


Excited, confused, or disorderly




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    one fathers birthday celebrated

    our anniversary came once more

    a holiday together away

    two troublesome phone calls

    one sisters life takes an unexpected turn

    one fathers life joins her possible path

    savoring time

    yet feeling lost within the minutes passing by


    pushing through

    letting go

    putting lifes troubles in the hands of the universe

    hanging onto hope



    Someone once said: 

     "So don't worry about tomorrow, For tomorrow will bring its own worries. Todays trouble is enough for today."



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    a multitude of doctors appointment

    another dental disaster

    biopsies for one

    more testing for thee other


    melt down

    flurry of falling outs

    comfort in the words of a sister so so far away

    time ticking

    exhaustion setting

    running away

    stumbling upon long lost hidden treasures

    riding the waves of life



    Someone once said:

    "I may not be the strongest, I may not be the fastest, but i'll be damned if i am not trying my hardest." 


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    appointments keep coming

    hearing haunting news

    confirmation of cancer for one

    yet more tests to be ran for another


    yet trying to swim back to the top



    clearing the way through the blur of my days

    sickness swirling

    rainy days keep coming

    mugginess that leads to an unpleasant stickiness

    down on my knees


    Victor Hugo once said:

    "Certain thoughts are prayers. There are moments when, Whatever be the attitude of the body, The soul is on its knees." 

    eight years~

    so   big

    yet still so small

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    last night

    for a moment

    just for a moment

    he forgot how big he was  


    i started humming  

    and he asked  

    "mama will you sing the words" 


      he allowed me to sing to him just like i had for so many years


    for a moment

    just for a moment

    i felt i had my baby back









    happiest of happy birthdays to our wee littlest

    and so it rained~

    first comes love

    then comes baby

    the comes marriage and a life living together


    far from traditional he and i

    not some perfect story told


    kind of a wild love affair


    for us

    it fits 


    and i couldn't imagine it any other way


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    nine years ago

    the sun rose


    making way for clear skies

    easing the minds of all


    there was much still to be done

    as this was an outdoor affair 


    it held tight till the moment my father said  

    "it's time" 


    as we walked down the stairs

    the skies had turned gray

    and the rain decided it was time to fall


    we looked at each other and he said  

    "should we call it off" 

    i looked at him and said

    "no dad, i am not going to melt" 


    my brother came running up and scurrying about

    "hang tight"

    he said

    "let me at~least find you an umbrella" 

    in a flash he was gone a reappeared with a delicate pink floral umbrella


    linked through our arms

    one on each side

    and an umbrella in hand

    we began our long walk down to the isle where he had been waiting


    on so it is  

    we were married this day


    nine years passing  

    through winds and rain and thunderous storms

    we have cleared the skies

    washed away the debris

    choosing to move forward each and every day


    nine years passing

    there has been love like no other 

    there has been laughter and play

    there has been memories created  

    and moments that will forever remain

    highlighting our day to day


    nine years passing

    ninety~nine more to come



    life is not black and white

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    there are mass areas of gray shaded throughout

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    hues that deepen 

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    saturating our minds

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    i hold tight to a memory

    gripping the moment

    so as to never let it slip through time as it passes

    becoming a faint lingering thought of once was

    i can see it

    i can feel it

    i often visit this day throughout the years

    re~living that very minute when it all came to be

    fifteen years later

    it is still crystal clear

    Punam once said:​

    "Love uses Serendipity as a pretext to find it's other half."

    one hell of a man~

    there are not many

    that i look up to in this world

    a handful to say the least

    but there is one who sticks out indeed

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    we have had our moments through the years

    the joyous relationship of a father and daughter

    the ebb and flow cycles of growing each year

    the good with the bad

    the happy with the sad

    fortunate am i to have such a soul

    to carry me through

    and continually guide me

    throughout my day to day

    fortunate for we

    to have such a father


    brother...uncle...husband...and more

    he is a light in this world that shines ever so bright

    a gift to each ​

    there is a certain manner about him

    that touches the hearts of all ​who's near

    wishing you the happiest of happy birthdays this year

    you are one hell of a father

    and ​

    one hell of a man

    Clarence B. Kelland once said:

    "My Father Didn't Tell Me How To Live; He Lived, And Let Me Watch Him Do It."


    pushing our limit

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    when we bought our home, we were told we'd be lucky if we got one more year with our roof and well we pushed our limits way to long, almost nine years of passing, putting it off, until now




    settling on a black and gray 

    cringing as we handed over the cash

    relief though in knowing its complete

    peace of mind  

    accomplishing the to~do's

    pondering colors for our exterior

    shelf building

    wood burning

    aching mouth

    nagging pain

    dentist visit once more

    being hopeful

    it has to come to an end


    let me tell ya, scheduling a dentist appointment to have work done on the same day as having your roof stripped down and re~done...yet again...not one of my smartest moves...


    there was no rest for the weary


    if i had known

    the money in store and pain at hand

    surely i would have taken better care of my teeth

    ​and made them more of a priority

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    a root canal

    a tooth removed

    swollen cheeks

    numb right side

    excruciating pain is the aftermath

    sister to the rescue

    a night nurse to add

    pain pills that did not dull the pain

    luke warm tea just wasn't quite so

    5 days later those pills still at hand


    frustrated ​

    not having fun right now

    have a follow up on friday because i am still numb on my right side...i do hope this fades away and as for the pain...i tried today to go without the pain pills and oh my goodness was not one of my smartest moments